
Spin Doctors

這不是政治文,這篇絕對不是要介紹快卸任的史新聞局長小姐(夫人?)也不是要評論長的有點像死亡筆記本的Luke的王總統府發言人......雖然標題一打Spin Doctors我的確聯想到他們Orz

第一次買Spin Doctors的CD應該是某個熱死人不償命的台北午後,在公館晃進賣二手唱片的個體戶(還是哪家唱片行我真的想不起來了@@),看到一張封面如下的雙CD bootleg,就把它帶走了....

當天晚上拎著一手沁涼的啤酒回寢室,在書桌前開著檯燈幻想自己身處於掛著昏黃燈光,喧嚷不斷的小酒館裡,坐在吧台旁的高腳椅上,看著小舞台上的樂手們跳動嘶吼,一邊隨著Little Miss Can't Be Wrong的節奏搖頭晃腦一邊用腳狂打拍子......(其實是因為bootleg收音不佳連旁邊觀眾聊天碎語杯盤碰撞的聲音都收進去了Orz)

自旋醫生(這是YouTube翻譯的XD)的歌裡,最令人耳熟能詳的應該是92年的Two Princes,這首歌前幾年也被PEUGEOT拿來當307的廣告歌,只是我沒在電視上看過@@



再來一首Mary Jane。看美國電影應該對Mary Jane這字不陌生,是個常聽到的名字;豬豬人蜘蛛人的女主角也叫Mary Jane。然而Mary Jane其實也是大麻的俚語,由maryhuana諧音來的;自1982(雷根總統)以降美國對查禁大麻不遺餘力,儘管有學者認為停用大麻的禁斷症狀並不嚴重,甚至比尼古丁還輕,且大麻上癮性甚至比咖啡因還低。但美國的marijuana laws卻是異常地嚴厲,所以很多歌手喜歡寫歌名叫mary jane的歌來提醒大家大麻的存在吧~

Spin Doctors還有一首以人名為歌名的歌,Jimmy Olsen's Blues。Jimmy Olsen應該算是第二有名的sidekick漫畫角色吧(第一名是蝙蝠俠的羅賓)sidekick就是跟在主角旁邊用來襯托主角有多強的角色。在超人的漫畫跟電影中應該都可以看到他的身影。(報社的攝影師,怎麼都沒辦法不聯想到蜘蛛人的主角也是靠在報社賣照片維生@@)


Two Princes的歌詞如下,內容還蠻有意思的啊~

One, two, princes kneel before you (thats what I said, now)
Princes, princes who adore you (just go ahead, now)
One has diamonds in his pockets (that sounds great, now)
This one, said he wants to buy you lockets (aint in his head, now)

This one, he got a princely racket (thats what I said, now)
Got some big seal upon his jacket (aint in his head, now)
Marry him, your father will condone you (how bout that, now)
Marry me, your father will disown you (hell eat his hat, now)

Aww, marry him or marry me,
Im the one that loves you baby cant you see?
Aint got no future or a family tree,
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be,
I know what a prince and lover ought to be....

Said, if you want to call me baby (just go ahead, now)
An if youd like to tell me maybe (just go ahead, now)
An if you wanna buy me flowers (just go ahead, now)
And if youd like to talk for hours (just go ahead, now)

Said, one, two, princes kneel before you (thats what I said, now)
Princes, princes who adore you (just go ahead, now)
One has diamonds in his pockets (that sounds great, now)
This one, he wants to buy you lockets (aint in his head, now)

Marry him or marry me,
Im the one that loves you baby cant you see?
Aint got no future or a family tree,
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be,
I know what a prince and lover ought to be....

Said, if you want to call me baby (just go ahead, now)
An if youd like to tell me maybe (just go ahead, now)
If you wanna buy me flowers (just go ahead, now)
And if youd like to talk for hours (just go ahead, now)
And if you want to call me baby (just go ahead, now)
An if youd like to tell me maybe (just go ahead, now)
If youd like buy me flowers (just go ahead, now)
And if youd like to talk for hours (just go ahead, now)

Said, if you want to call me baby (just go ahead, now)
An if youd like to tell me maybe (just go ahead, now)
If you wanna buy me flowers (just go ahead, now)
And if youd like to talk for hours (just go ahead, now)

Ohh baby............